Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cherry Tomato, Goat Cheese and Pesto Tart

So, it's been a while. Don't be mad, I've been saving  children in Africa from starvation. Ok, that's a lie. I've been lazy!

I have been thinking about this recipe for way longer than it is healthy for any person to be thinking about a tomato tart.  And on Saturday my friend Theresa and I went to the Union Square Farmers Market and in addition to a shisito peppers, colorful bunches of carrots and a watermelon I bought beautiful heirloom tomatoes to make this tart on Sunday for my boyfriend and I.  BUT, after way too much alcohol on Saturday night, Sunday's meal ended up consisting of curly fries and chicken fingers from diner.  Opps.  By Tuesday, when i had the time to make the tart, the tomatoes were mushy.  So, here we are on Wednesday and starting fresh. 

All the ingredients are from the regular supermarket, nothing fancy here.  I bought store made pesto from Fairway Market.  If you want to make your own, you most certainly can, but either way it will work fine.  I did a combination of cute little yellow tomatoes (pretty sure that isn't their name) and Kumato tomatoes. The Kumato are my favorite, they have this beautiful purple-brown-ish color and taste divine.

Ingredients:   Puff Pastry
                     2 pints of cherry tomatoes
                     Goat Cheese
                     Parmesan Cheese
                     1 clove of garlic-finely minced
                     Drizzle of olive oil
                     8-10 chopped basil leaves

What to do:
1. Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees
2. Half your cherry tomatoes and put them in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil, garlic and basil
3. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper and roll your puff pastry sheet to the size of the baking sheet.
4.  Spread a layer of pesto over the puff pastry, leaving about 1-inch around the edges without and then sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese

5.  Place the cherry tomatoes on the puff pastry, cut side up.

6. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown around the edges.

7. When it comes out of the oven crumble the goat cheese over top and a little more Parmesan cheese.

8.  Serve and Enjoy!

 This was delicious!  My boyfriend described it as 'heady', which after having to use urban dictionary to explain exactly what that means as it relates to food was 'thrilling' and/or 'intoxicating'.  Either way, the crust is sooooo flaky and the sweetness from tomatoes with the tartness from the goat cheese and the rich pesto really came together nicely. 

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